Rethinking and harmonising the employee experience

Major luxury group
Product - Design transformation Industry & Services
Publié le 29 janvier 2020


As part of its HR transformation, the HRIS Department has initiated a number of large-scale projects to rethink and harmonise the employee experience across the Group. The challenge was to position the department as an HR expert and to unite the Companies around common issues in order to co-construct a catalogue of innovative services that respond to their business problems.

Our support

Aneo was asked to help management clarify its vision and define its medium/long-term ambitions, as well as the resulting project roadmap. From a methodological point of view, we opted for an approach inspired by Design Thinking, helping management to design the various employee career paths, identify and prioritise the irritants to be dealt with in order to build the project roadmap.

We also helped the members of the Management team to define an HR marketing strategy to make the Companies want to work with the Group and to encourage them to adopt the HR solutions favoured by the Group. This strategy, broken down into several areas, aimed to create commitment by creating a strong brand, providing an irreproachable level of service and uniting the HR community.


Brand creation: name, logo, storytelling & value proposition, redesign of Talent Management tools, promotion of HR services offered by the Group, etc.

Launch of the brand: experiential event on the theme of the employee experience, bringing together over 100 HRDIRs and Top Managers, an exhibition with 20 exhibitors (partners, start-ups), experience-sharing workshops, Design Tinking, talks, etc.

Modernisation of the tools tutorial platform: production of specifications and mock-ups for a ‘netflix-like’ platform that is intuitive, customisable and easy to use.

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