Research and Expertise seminars
Welcome to our Research and Expertise Seminars, dedicated to promoting scientific research and expertise in the consulting business. At Aneo, we firmly believe in the importance of scientific research (R&D) and are committed to being a bridge between the academic and business worlds.
Our expert seminars, filmed for wider distribution, bring together specialists and experts. These events are designed to foster knowledge exchange, encourage collaborative innovation and offer cutting-edge perspectives that can transform your business.
While the topics on offer focus primarily on High-Performance Computing (HPC), cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), this field will open up in the autumn to cover many other subjects.
Explore our seminar series to inspire and guide your technology and transformation initiatives, providing valuable insights and fostering innovative synergies from science.

Scheduling under memory constraint for runtime systems
Speaker: Maxime Gonthier, Researcher at the University of Chicago
In a few words: In this presentation, we propose a scheduler for task-based runtimes that improves data locality in an out-of-core setting, to reduce data movements. We compare this scheduler to existing schedulers in runtime systems and Using StarPU, we show that our new scheduling strategy achieves comparable performance when memory is not a constraint, and significantly better performance when application input data exceeds memory, on both GPUs and CPU cores
Advancing open-source by rusting Terraform
Speaker: Florian Lemaitre, HPC Consultant at Aneo
In a few words: Terraform est le standard defacto pour deployer des infrastructures larges et complexes. Après un changement de licence mal accepté, la communauté s'est retroussée les manches pour faire un fork Open Source de Terraform appelé OpenTofu.

Generative strategies to empower physics-based wave propagation with deep Learning: Applications to earthquake engineering and structural health monitoring
We present applications to seismic engineering and structural health monitoring.
Speaker: Filippo Gatti, Lecturer at CentraleSupélec
In a few words: In this work, we provide a quantitative assessment of how largely can earthquake groundmotion simulation and structural health monitoring benefit from deep learning generative techniques, blended with traditional numerical simulations.