Supporting managers in their day-to-day roles as coaches, leaders and entrepreneurs

Managerial transformation Industry & Services
Publié le 29 janvier 2020


As part of the Managerial Excellence Programme, part of the Défis 2025 strategic plan, the RATP Group is undertaking a managerial transformation. The aim of this transformation is to develop and/or strengthen managerial attitudes, skills and practices that foster employees' commitment and quality of life at work. This managerial expectation was defined in 2018 with the reference framework of key managerial activities (Coach, Leader, Entrepreneur).

The context is complex and rapidly changing: multiple customers, fierce competition, the need to become a ‘chosen operator’, economic criteria that play a major role in decision-making, a feeling that managerial time is becoming increasingly scarce, etc. This is why RATP managers have a crucial role to play in the search for Operational Excellence and in supporting employees in the company's transformations.

To meet these challenges, one of the four pillars of the Managerial Excellence Programme is to ‘strengthen the managerial team’ by creating and leading a ‘phygital’ community.

Aneo was asked to help RATP design and run the 2020 Management Clubs. The Management Clubs bring together more than 150 managers from the RATP Group, with different profiles (local managers, managers of managers, even unit managers and directors).

These clubs are bimonthly meetings that use a mix of educational formats (inspirational talks, feedback, role-playing, themed workshops) to create a ‘stimulating learning environment’.

The aim of these Clubs is to share best practice, but also to enable managers to draw inspiration from new managerial practices both within and outside RATP, and ultimately to help them develop new practices while strengthening their internal network.

Our support

Aneo has designed a tailor-made programme with a variety of teaching tools to meet these three objectives - Inspire, train, share:

  • Inspiring lectures on topics selected in conjunction with the RATP Group University team
  • External and internal feedback from managers who are innovating through their organisational and managerial practices
  • A Management Newsletter
  • Access to the 2020 Management Fair
  • Experiential workshops to equip yourself and put managerial tools into practice
  • Role-playing exercises based on real-life managerial situations
  • Out-of-the-ordinary formats: theatre, TEDx, pitch, pechakucha, etc.
  • Workshops in small groups enabling managers to get to know their colleagues and collaborate with them
  • Subtly orchestrated networking moments
  • Exchanges of best practice on managerial issues

Ready to change how you work?