Support in setting up a Methods Office

Managerial transformation Industry & Services
Publié le 29 janvier 2020


The Engineering Department wanted to implement a quality approach within its technical offices. Each team carries out the same activities, but with its own organisation and working methods. At operational level, the operating procedures, methods and tools used are poorly documented and heterogeneous. In addition, the teams are being gradually rejuvenated, creating tensions over the sustainability of their expertise.

Aneo was commissioned by the engineering department of an industrial player to design, launch and then maintain a Methods Office, a cross-functional unit responsible for industrialising working methods. This cross-functional unit operates within the scope of 3 technical departments (around 120 employees) with 3 main challenges:

  • Speeding up the integration of new employees
  • Standardising the level of quality delivered
  • Improving service efficiency
Over and above the operational creation of the Methods Office, the challenge of the assignment is above all a human one: how can we get all the employees in the 3 technical departments on board and make their day-to-day activities simpler, more efficient and more worry-free?

Our support

Aneo proposed a two-stage approach:

  • A 2-month scoping phase aimed at initiating the change in mindset and building the methods of action and target services offered by the Methods Office.
  • A 6-month support phase to create immediate value for employees and iteratively build the target operating model.
  • The 9 months of experimentation legitimised the need to perpetuate the Methods Office, and Management agreed to continue the approach for the next 18 months, extending its scope from 2 to 3 departments.

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