Migration from DataSynapse to ArmoniK: Equity IT's Journey

Crédit Agricole CIB
ArmoniK Cloud HPC Banking & Financial Services
Publié le 17 septembre 2024

Context of the migration

Equity IT at Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CA-CIB) faced significant challenges with their existing grid computing infrastructure, which relied on TibCo DataSynapse. The system struggled to meet increasing computational demands and regulatory requirements. This led to inefficiencies, higher operational costs, and limited scalability. The need for a more robust, scalable, and cost-effective solution was clear. Additionally, there was a strategic decision to align with the bank's hybrid cloud strategy to enhance flexibility and performance.

In addressing these challenges, Equity IT opted for a phased, step-by-step approach to migrate to ArmoniK. This method allowed for careful planning and incremental improvements, mitigating risks and ensuring continuity throughout the transition.

What Aneo did

Aneo, leveraging its expertise in high-performance computing and cloud solutions, proposed ArmoniK as the replacement for DataSynapse. Aneo's approach involved a comprehensive assessment of Equity IT's existing infrastructure and computational needs. They developed a customized migration plan that included transitioning the codebase from .Net Framework to .Net Core and then to Linux. Aneo set up a hybrid cloud environment utilizing AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and middleware. The phased migration approach allowed for incremental improvements and risk mitigation at each stage of the transition.

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