In India, many companies are facing high turnover rates. How can they retain their talent in such a competitive environment? OssCube stands out from its competitors with its culture: here, the term "family" takes on its true meaning! But is that enough?
In India, family holds a very strong place in an employee's life, and the boundary between professional and personal life is less pronounced than in France. It's not uncommon to see Indian companies inviting employees' parents (referred to as "members") once a year to visit the offices. But... OssCube goes further! When a member has worked for more than five years in the company, their family receives a check along with a letter from the CEO, thanking the entire family for everything they do for the company on a daily basis. Just imagine receiving a letter from your parents' or spouse's boss, thanking you for contributing to the company's success...
The bond between OssCube and the families of its members also develops through events organized by the company. So, 5 to 6 times a year, members, spouses, and children come together to celebrate important events, participate in sports, or play games.
"Customers do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the customers." - Sir Richard Branson
The Councils are key to maintaining this bond. They form as needed, with multiple objectives: they can organize sports outings or carry out charitable actions. For example, members spontaneously organized a collection to help a colleague who had lost access to clean water after severe weather. Heterogeneous in composition, the Councils bring together men, women, managers, employees from all departments, and of course, they self-govern.
Another of these Councils, the Task Force, plays a particularly important role: every 4 months, after working on feedback and suggestions from employees, it proposes improvements and action plans to the HR team. One of the recent actions taken is the implementation of reserved parking spaces for women at the bottom of the premises when they have to stay late at the office. This measure has significantly changed the daily lives of female employees, making them feel safer. This Task Force consists of volunteers from all departments and is renewed annually. If there are too many volunteers, they come to an agreement to ensure it's as diverse as possible.
Just as with family ties, the company's connections with its former members are maintained even after they leave. When a member resigns, they are invited to join the OssCube alumni association, which awards an "Alumni award" to a former employee who has stood out during the year. Alumni are also invited to events organized by the company. Beyond the human dimension of this practice, alumni become true ambassadors of OssCube and even bring in contracts. Additionally, when a member leaves the company to pursue an entrepreneurial venture, OssCube's founder provides mentoring: they meet one to two times every month.
But what happens when it's the company that decides to part ways with one of its members? Two people from the HR team are made available to assist with interviews, improve their CV, and find a position and company where they'll be more effective. This support continues until they find a new job. 70% of individuals thus find a new position within 45 days of their departure. Moreover, they continue to be paid until they are reemployed.
But is this profitable? Aren't there any flaws? Does everyone at OssCube accept this type of relationship with their employer?
Since 2012, OssCube's revenue has multiplied by 5, while the number of employees has tripled. Every year, some "alumni" don't hesitate to apply to come back to work for OssCube, demonstrating an exceptional bond with the employer. This has been recognized by the "Great place to work in India" rankings for several consecutive years.