Capital Markets face multiple and huge challenges, that directly impact their risk calculations
Regulators require frequent complex simulations with enhanced resiliency and security measures.

Business have a huge pressure on costs of operations and start asking for carbon low systems
Researchers invent new products for clients, asking more complex pricing than just Monte-Carlo
Existing IT risk systems are becoming obsolescent or are locked with end-of-life components
Current Risk Systems are reaching their limits.
ArmoniK is the right open source alternative to replace Datasynapse and Symphony!

« In CACIB we have a vision and convictions. We took the bet to implement Armonik with an InHouse & Open-Sourced Solutionning approach and ultimately compete with the world-leading solution such as IBM Symphony and Tibco Data-Synapse.
What an adventure to be co-founder with Aneo & AWS of this high-end tech product. It allows us to orchestrate our risk calculations as well as be in position to improve the TCO of our Grid Orchestrator without making any compromise on performance, resiliency and security matters!
This is an amazing winning bet!
I am really proud of what achieved my Software Engineering teams in partnership with our techs partners! Long life to Armonik and let leverage on the power of the open-source community for continuously improving Armonik Product. »
Ludovic MATHE
Global CIO for CACIB Capital Market Business (CMI)
« Leveraging AWS cloud power for our risks computation, while replacing DataSynapse by ArmoniK was a real challenge and we succeeded in one year and a half. »
Head of Equity IT, CA-CIB
Client success stories
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